
App Cloner 2.17.14

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Android 4.4+   Other versions
App Cloner 2.17.14. Screenshot 1 App Cloner 2.17.14. Screenshot 2 App Cloner 2.17.14. Screenshot 3 App Cloner 2.17.14. Screenshot 4 App Cloner 2.17.14. Screenshot 5 App Cloner 2.17.14. Screenshot 6 App Cloner 2.17.14. Screenshot 7 App Cloner 2.17.14. Screenshot 8 App Cloner 2.17.14. Screenshot 9
App Cloner — create clones (copies) of already installed applications with the ability to install them without replacing the original with full source functionality. Change the names of installation packages, icons and permissions of applications and more.
Just imagine: you play a game where you need to collect resources, create a second account in it and use it to transfer artifacts to the main account. To avoid changing your account every five minutes, you can use a tool like App Cloner, which allows you to copy the application and run it in parallel and completely regardless of the original. Cool, huh?

There are many tools like App Cloner, but the latter has one significant advantage: you can create your own icon for the clone — change its color, mirror, flip, rename — just so as not to confuse it with the main application. Once the new icon is created, copy the ARC file and install it. Now you can use both the original and the cloned application at the same time.
  • Cloning your favorite applications: WhatsApp, Facebook, messenger, Gmail ...
  • Replacing Standard Icons
  • Create multiple clones or clones of multiple applications at once
  • Save or transfer cloned apps to friends
  • Choice of notification modes: silent, with sound and vibration
  • Activation of options related to launching documents, disabling data display, managing storage folders, automatically deleting recent files, confirming an exit and open connections, etc.
  • Replacing Android ID and even device serial number
  • Hiding IMEI number and MAC address
  • Location swap
  • Change colors and sizes
  • Password Protect Applications
  • Automation Options
  • No screenshots
  • And loading other options

Download App Cloner 2.17.14

32,6 MB

Certificate checked No viruses found QR Permissions (13)
Android 4.4+
ARMv8 (64bit), ARMv7 and better, x86, x86_64
Added by: Ons

Download App Cloner 2.17.12
32,4 MB

Certificate checked No viruses found QR Permissions (13)
Android 4.4+
ARMv8 (64bit), ARMv7 and better, x86, x86_64
Added by: Ons

Download App Cloner 2.17.10
32,3 MB

Certificate checked No viruses found QR Permissions (13)
Android 4.4+
ARMv8 (64bit), ARMv7 and better, x86, x86_64
Added by: Ons

Download App Cloner 2.17.9
32,3 MB

Certificate checked No viruses found QR Permissions (13)
Android 4.4+
ARMv8 (64bit), ARMv7 and better, x86, x86_64
Added by: Ons

Download App Cloner 2.17.8
32,2 MB

Certificate checked No viruses found QR Permissions (13)
Android 4.4+
ARMv8 (64bit), ARMv7 and better, x86, x86_64
Added by: Ons

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