
FR Legends 0.3.4

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Android 4.4+   Other versions
FR Legends 0.3.4. Screenshot 1 FR Legends 0.3.4. Screenshot 2 FR Legends 0.3.4. Screenshot 3 FR Legends 0.3.4. Screenshot 4 FR Legends 0.3.4. Screenshot 5 FR Legends 0.3.4. Screenshot 6 FR Legends 0.3.4. Screenshot 7 FR Legends 0.3.4. Screenshot 8 FR Legends 0.3.4. Screenshot 9 FR Legends 0.3.4. Screenshot 10 FR Legends 0.3.4. Screenshot 11 FR Legends 0.3.4. Screenshot 12 FR Legends 0.3.4. Screenshot 13 FR Legends 0.3.4. Screenshot 14 FR Legends 0.3.4. Screenshot 15 FR Legends 0.3.4. Screenshot 16 FR Legends 0.3.4. Screenshot 17 FR Legends 0.3.4. Screenshot 18
FR Legends is a drift race with cute graphics. The project is able to boast and stand out among the competitors with endless possibilities of car customization, simple but cute graphics, as well as the very process of races.
Arcade variation of this direction of game racing. In this game, you will be able to test your skills not only in street racing, but in arcade mode to show all that you are capable of driving a virtual car, unique scoring systems based on the rules of judging in the real world.

Download FR Legends 0.3.4

101,4 MB

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Android 4.4+
ARMv7 and better
Added by: slipz

Download FR Legends
91,4 MB

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Android 4.4+
ARMv7 and better
Added by: Ons

Download FR Legends 0.3.3
111,5 MB

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Android 4.4+
ARMv7 and better
Added by: slipz

Download FR Legends 0.3.2
100,3 MB

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Android 4.4+
ARMv8 (64bit), ARMv7 and better
Added by: Ons

Download FR Legends
99,5 MB

Certificate checked No viruses found QR Permissions (2)
Android 4.4+
ARMv8 (64bit), ARMv7 and better
Added by: slipz

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