
Google Go 3.100.619143955

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Android 9.0+   Other versions
Google Go 3.100.619143955. Screenshot 1 Google Go 3.100.619143955. Screenshot 2 Google Go 3.100.619143955. Screenshot 3 Google Go 3.100.619143955. Screenshot 4 Google Go 3.100.619143955. Screenshot 5 Google Go 3.100.619143955. Screenshot 6 Google Go 3.100.619143955. Screenshot 7
Google Go is a light version of the Google search app for Android. Released to support third world countries for users with slow Internet. It is currently being tested in Indonesia.
The main features of Google Go Search:
  • Support for voice and text queries
  • Simplified interface with quick access to basic functions
  • Limited web pages for faster loading
  • Reduced data consumption
  • Reduced application size
On analysis: Google Go 3.104.633021496.release beta
24,1 MB

Modification No viruses found Permissions (22)
Android 9.0+
ARMv7 and better
Added by: Ons

On analysis: Google Go 3.102.626846973.release
23,8 MB

Modification No viruses found Permissions (22)
Android 9.0+
ARMv7 and better
Added by: Ons

Download Google Go 3.99.615063698
23,6 MB

Modification No viruses found QR Permissions (22)
Android 9.0+
ARMv7 and better
Added by: Ons

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