
Klondike Adventures 2.117.4

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Klondike Adventures 2.117.4. Screenshot 2 Klondike Adventures 2.117.4. Screenshot 3 Klondike Adventures 2.117.4. Screenshot 4 Klondike Adventures 2.117.4. Screenshot 5 Klondike Adventures 2.117.4. Screenshot 6 Klondike Adventures 2.117.4. Screenshot 7 Klondike Adventures 2.117.4. Screenshot 8 Klondike Adventures 2.117.4. Screenshot 9 Klondike Adventures 2.117.4. Screenshot 10 Klondike Adventures 2.117.4. Screenshot 11 Klondike Adventures 2.117.4. Screenshot 12 Klondike Adventures 2.117.4. Screenshot 13 Klondike Adventures 2.117.4. Screenshot 14 Klondike Adventures 2.117.4. Screenshot 15 Klondike Adventures 2.117.4. Screenshot 16 Klondike Adventures 2.117.4. Screenshot 17 Klondike Adventures 2.117.4. Screenshot 18 Klondike Adventures 2.117.4. Screenshot 19
Klondike Adventures is an interesting travel game in which your goal is to create and build a city that will live and develop.
Game will allow you to feel like a mayor and builder. You can also go on various expeditions to remote jungles and ice caves. You will be given three buildings each day. In our game, there are many interesting quests for which you will receive various rewards. You will also need to get useful undersides and other resources to build a city. You can plant trees and other useful plants. Create your own farm and raise pets on it. Our game is absolutely free and does not require real money from you.

Features of the game Klondike Adventures:
  • Modern graphics and bright interface.
  • Many quests and levels, as well as achievements.
  • Lots of places to visit.
  • Invite your friends and play with them.
  • The game is absolutely free and does not require cash injections.

Download Klondike Adventures 2.117.4

344,6 MB

Certificate checked No viruses found QR Permissions (4)
Android 5.0+
ARMv8 (64bit), ARMv7 and better, x86, x86_64
Added by: Ons

Download Klondike Adventures 2.108
427,2 MB

Certificate checked QR Permissions (6)
Android 5.0+
ARMv8 (64bit), ARMv7 and better, x86, x86_64
Added by: slipz

Download Klondike Adventures 2.104.1
391,6 MB

Certificate checked QR Permissions (7)
Android 4.4+
ARMv7 and better, x86
Added by: slipz

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