
Minimalistic Text: Widgets 5.0.0

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Minimalistic Text: Widgets 5.0.0. Screenshot 1 Minimalistic Text: Widgets 5.0.0. Screenshot 2 Minimalistic Text: Widgets 5.0.0. Screenshot 3 Minimalistic Text: Widgets 5.0.0. Screenshot 4 Minimalistic Text: Widgets 5.0.0. Screenshot 5 Minimalistic Text: Widgets 5.0.0. Screenshot 6 Minimalistic Text: Widgets 5.0.0. Screenshot 7 Minimalistic Text: Widgets 5.0.0. Screenshot 8 Minimalistic Text: Widgets 5.0.0. Screenshot 9 Minimalistic Text: Widgets 5.0.0. Screenshot 10 Minimalistic Text: Widgets 5.0.0. Screenshot 11 Minimalistic Text: Widgets 5.0.0. Screenshot 12
Minimalistic Text is a really minimalistic widget that displays information in text and digital form.
It can be configured to display time, date, battery information, and weather. The layout of the widget is highly customizable through the layout editor.

Main Minimalistic Text widget features:
  • Configurable to display time, date, battery charge, and weather.
  • The layout of widgets can be easily changed in the settings.
  • You can change quite a lot-starting with the color and size of the text, ending with the format of blocks.

Supported language: English, Danish, German, Greek, Dutch, Polish, Norwegian, French, Croatian, Serbian, Czech, Spanish, Estonian, Italian, Portuguese, Hungarian, Russian, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Slovak, Afrikaans, Slovenian, Hebrew, Bulgarian, Catalan, Korean, Turkish, Finnish, Ukrainian, Arab.
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