
Plant Jammer 0.0.35

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Android 5.0+   Other versions
Plant Jammer 0.0.35. Screenshot 1 Plant Jammer 0.0.35. Screenshot 2 Plant Jammer 0.0.35. Screenshot 3 Plant Jammer 0.0.35. Screenshot 4 Plant Jammer 0.0.35. Screenshot 5 Plant Jammer 0.0.35. Screenshot 6 Plant Jammer 0.0.35. Screenshot 7 Plant Jammer 0.0.35. Screenshot 8 Plant Jammer 0.0.35. Screenshot 9 Plant Jammer 0.0.35. Screenshot 10 Plant Jammer 0.0.35. Screenshot 11 Plant Jammer 0.0.35. Screenshot 12 Plant Jammer 0.0.35. Screenshot 13 Plant Jammer 0.0.35. Screenshot 14 Plant Jammer 0.0.35. Screenshot 15 Plant Jammer 0.0.35. Screenshot 16 Plant Jammer 0.0.35. Screenshot 17 Plant Jammer 0.0.35. Screenshot 18 Plant Jammer 0.0.35. Screenshot 19 Plant Jammer 0.0.35. Screenshot 20 Plant Jammer 0.0.35. Screenshot 21 Plant Jammer 0.0.35. Screenshot 22 Plant Jammer 0.0.35. Screenshot 23 Plant Jammer 0.0.35. Screenshot 24
Plant Jammer – it is the application for people who want to learn about new cousins like vegetarian amateurs or chefs where they can make and cook new dishes, make the cook instructions stepwise. How to buy all the products and do not forget anything? How to choose the right product and the right amount of them to prepare a new recipe? How to cook very tasty meal using the only products from your fridge? Are you ready to try new tastes and make your own recipe? If you want to become a vegetarian and eat healthy food but you do not know how to concoct it as a real jam? So, this app is for you!
Plant Jammer main features:
  • Plan your nutrition for the week time
  • Ability to change the products in your favorite recipe into healthy or vegetarian one
  • The app easily makes a list of ingredients you need to buy before cooking
  • Create your book of recipes
  • Try to reduce the number of food waste

Download Plant Jammer 0.0.35

49,4 MB

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Android 5.0+
ARMv8 (64bit), ARMv7 and better, x86, x86_64

Download Plant Jammer 0.0.32
49,4 MB

Certificate checked No viruses found QR Permissions (11)
Android 5.0+
ARMv8 (64bit), ARMv7 and better, x86, x86_64
Added by: slipz

Download Plant Jammer 0.0.29
49,4 MB

Certificate checked No viruses found QR Permissions (11)
Android 5.0+
ARMv8 (64bit), ARMv7 and better, x86, x86_64
Added by: slipz

Download Plant Jammer 9.2.0
35,4 MB

Certificate checked No viruses found QR Permissions (21)
Android 5.0+
ARMv8 (64bit), ARMv7 and better, x86, x86_64

Download Plant Jammer 8.2.0
35,2 MB

Certificate checked No viruses found QR Permissions (23)
Android 5.0+
ARMv8 (64bit), ARMv7 and better, x86, x86_64

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