
TikTok Lite 34.2.2

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Android 5.0+   Other versions
TikTok Lite 34.2.2. Screenshot 1 TikTok Lite 34.2.2. Screenshot 2 TikTok Lite 34.2.2. Screenshot 3 TikTok Lite 34.2.2. Screenshot 4 TikTok Lite 34.2.2. Screenshot 5
TikTok Lite is a social network specializing in short video clips where users themselves create them, add various effects and share on their profile.
What are you doing now? Are you dancing Have dinner at an expensive restaurant? Or have fun with friends? Why don't you come up with and make a short video about it? It can be informative, funny or exciting — you decide. Feel free to share your work with other users like you. TikTok is designed to ensure that millions of people around the world can come together through ordinary videos.

Inspire and be inspired. Create your videos along with other ticktokers using collages. Try to come up with something cool combining your video and the video of another user. Search for videos by category so you don’t lose time among what you won’t be interested in. Rather, join the large TikTok family and become the most famous ticktaker in the whole world!

Features of the TikTok Lite application:
  • Simple and convenient interface;
  • The application was created as a social network for communication and creating video clips;
  • Huge selection of filters, effects and stickers;
  • Ability to create a paired video;
  • All videos are categorized;
  • Over a million ready-made videos from other users from around the world.

Download TikTok Lite 34.2.2

35,4 MB

Certificate checked No viruses found QR Permissions (18)
Android 5.0+
ARMv8 (64bit), ARMv7 and better
Added by: slipz

On analysis: TikTok Lite 34.3.3 beta
35,5 MB

Certificate checked No viruses found Permissions (18)
Android 5.0+
ARMv8 (64bit), ARMv7 and better
Added by: slipz

On analysis: TikTok Lite 34.2.3
35,4 MB

Certificate checked No viruses found Permissions (18)
Android 5.0+
ARMv8 (64bit), ARMv7 and better
Added by: slipz

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