
Video MP3 Converter 2.6.9

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Android 4.4+   Other versions
Video MP3 Converter 2.6.9. Screenshot 1 Video MP3 Converter 2.6.9. Screenshot 2 Video MP3 Converter 2.6.9. Screenshot 3
MP3 Video Converter — you can convert, resize and crop video and audio with various options. (Bitrate, size, meta data).
Converting a video file or song format can allow you to play them on other devices, and for this purpose, Video MP3 Converter is being developed. It comes with a simple interface and offers us the ability to edit any audio file from an Android device.

The best thing about this app is that it is not only limited to audio, but also allows you to work with video. Its features make it a great tool for working on smartphones and tablets:

Main Video MP3 Converter features:
  • Supports various video types (MP4, 3GP, WebM, WMV, FLV, etc.)
  • Support for various types of audio (MP3, AAC, OGG, etc.)
  • Supports editing meta information (title, album, artist)
  • Support for a ringtone configured from an audio file.
On analysis: Video MP3 Converter 2.6.9
28,2 MB

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Android 4.4+
ARMv7 and better
Added by: slipz

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