
War Robots 10.0.2

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War Robots 10.0.2. Screenshot 2 War Robots 10.0.2. Screenshot 3 War Robots 10.0.2. Screenshot 4 War Robots 10.0.2. Screenshot 5 War Robots 10.0.2. Screenshot 6 War Robots 10.0.2. Screenshot 7 War Robots 10.0.2. Screenshot 8 War Robots 10.0.2. Screenshot 9 War Robots 10.0.2. Screenshot 10 War Robots 10.0.2. Screenshot 11 War Robots 10.0.2. Screenshot 12 War Robots 10.0.2. Screenshot 13 War Robots 10.0.2. Screenshot 14 War Robots 10.0.2. Screenshot 15 War Robots 10.0.2. Screenshot 16 War Robots 10.0.2. Screenshot 17 War Robots 10.0.2. Screenshot 18 War Robots 10.0.2. Screenshot 19
War Robots — a multi-player shooter with real-time PvP battles that has long been available only to owners of Apple products, has finally become available for Android devices. Walking War Robots is a breathtaking shooting game between groups of 6 vs 6 players.
The style of the game is similar to Team Fortress, when two teams meet on the field and where to win you need to destroy the opponent or hold as many beacons as possible.

Walking War Robots provides a huge opportunity to implement various combat strategies and tactics. The player has 13 unique combat robots and 19 types of weapons that can be combined to achieve certain properties. The game has four cards with a variety of terrain, but there is no choice of cards — they are issued randomly. Before the start of the battle, the player has a few seconds to decide which robot to rush into battle with. Although the player controls only one robot at a time, you can take as many as five robots with you into battle and change them if the robot is damaged.

Since the battles are conducted in real time, it is critical for the game to have a continuous and stable Internet connection. One battle lasts no more than 10 minutes, but it can end earlier if, for example, all robots from the enemy team are destroyed.

Main War Robots game features:
  • 13 robots and 19 weapons
  • deep improvement system
  • multiplayer 6 on 6
  • ability to play with clans
  • excellent 3D world graphics

Download War Robots 10.0.2

188,3 MB

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Android 5.1+
ARMv8 (64bit), ARMv7 and better
Added by: Ons

Download War Robots 10.0.0
188,4 MB

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Android 5.1+
ARMv8 (64bit), ARMv7 and better
Added by: slipz

Download War Robots 9.9.9
177,7 MB

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Android 5.1+
ARMv8 (64bit), ARMv7 and better
Added by: slipz

Download War Robots 9.7.0
178,1 MB

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Android 5.1+
ARMv8 (64bit), ARMv7 and better
Added by: Ons

Download War Robots 9.6.0
170,8 MB

Certificate checked No viruses found QR Permissions (5)
Android 5.1+
ARMv8 (64bit), ARMv7 and better
Added by: slipz

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