
Xiaomi Security 9.0.1

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Android 6.0+   Other versions
Xiaomi Security 9.0.1. Screenshot 1 Xiaomi Security 9.0.1. Screenshot 2 Xiaomi Security 9.0.1. Screenshot 3 Xiaomi Security 9.0.1. Screenshot 4
Xiaomi Security — every smartphone requires protection from viruses, unwanted applications, files, and other dangerous threats that can affect its operation. In the miui branded shell, Xiaomi has taken care of protecting your phone.
Security is a multifunctional application that allows you to have full control over your smartphone: installed extensions, files, calls, the Internet, etc.

There is six main optimization tools are displayed: Cleaning, Data Transfer, Anti-Spam, Battery, Antivirus, Applications.

  • «Cleaning» is used to scan the device's memory. It automatically detects cache files that are outdated and stored extra files in RAM, which it offers to delete, thereby freeing up space. There is also a «Deep cleaning» mode that scans all the device's built-in memory and detects duplicate photos, unused apps, and «heavy» files and suggests deleting them.
  • The «Data Transfer» module allows you to track the amount of traffic spent per month and set a limit in accordance with your tariff plan. And if the specified threshold is close, the app will notify you. The «Traffic Consumption» option allows you to set an application restriction on Internet connection usage.
  • The anti-Spam section consists of two tabs: SMS — ability to set a ban on certain messages (for example, spam or advertising); Calls-the ability to block incoming calls for some subscribers.
  • «Battery» allows you to monitor the battery status.
  • The Antivirus module scans your entire device for malicious files and threats. In the settings, you can set exceptions, set the required signature, and check for updates.
  • The «Applications» section includes 4 items: «Delete» — allows you to delete apps; «Cloning» — creates a full-fledged clone of the app; «Permissions» — gives applications permissions to use various modules; «Sorting apps» — allows you to configure apps in depth.

Download Xiaomi Security 9.0.1

64,4 MB

Certificate checked No viruses found QR Permissions (52)
Android 6.0+
ARMv8 (64bit), ARMv7 and better
Added by: Ons

Download Xiaomi Security 8.8.4
64,2 MB

Certificate checked No viruses found QR Permissions (52)
Android 6.0+
ARMv8 (64bit), ARMv7 and better
Added by: Ons

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